Tyler Muhlenkamp’s career officially started out of Los
Angeles, CA. He signed with McDonald Selznick
Associates (MSA) dance agency. His dancing credits
include: “The Cleaner” on A&E, “90210” on CBS,
Norwegian Cruise Line, Jean Anne Ryan Productions
along with Disney Cruise Line, and Odyssey Dance
Theatre. Tyler has found home in Orlando, FL performing
as a dancer at the Walt Disney World Resort. Credits
locally include: performing as a “Newsie” in the Walt
Disney World Christmas Parade dancing next to Neil
Patrick Harris on “ABC”, Metropolis Productions, In Motion
Dance Productions, and being the Equity lead of the
Castle Stage Show, Dream Along With Mickey. Tyler is
also a faculty member on Dance League dance
convention focusing on technique in Jazz, Musical
Theatre, and Lyrical. Tyler’s main focus on teaching is
showing young dancers that there are many
opportunities from large to small. The main goal is to
never give up!